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2024 Scholarship Application

As a member of the North Texas Chamber Executives, you have the opportunity to apply for scholarships for continuing education in the Chamber profession.
Applicant Information
Is your organization a member of NTCE? *
To which program(s) are you requesting a scholarship? *
If you selected US Chamber Institute, please answer the following three questions. All others skip to "Prior Chamber Experience" section.
1) Which location do you plan to attend?
Please Note: 2024 Winter Institute has already occurred. You may apply for the 2025 Winter Institute now.
2) Will you be a first year student?
3) Have you been awarded a scholarship from US Chamber?
Prior Chamber Experience
In the space below, please enter the following information: 1) Chamber Name: 2) Job Title: 3) Number of Years: 4) Description of Duties:
Chamber / Community Information
Does your CEO (or Board Chair) know you are applying for a scholarship? *
Have you previously received an NTCE scholarship? *

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